2017 Merhow stock combo trailer. 33 floor length 41 total length. 12 short wall. 1
$70,000 oboAd #4926005
2017 Merhow stock combo trailer. 33 floor length 41 total length. 12 short wall. 14 stock area. Walk through doors from bathroom to mid tack, mid tack to stock area. LED lights, slide out with dinette, awning, 4 ramp in mid tack. Kitchenette includes fridge and freezer that runs off propane or electric, microwave, full sink, stove top. Bathroom has toilet and shower. Beautiful trailer, we just dont use enough to justify having it. Have plywood dummy wall in stock area from when we went to Montana this summer to keep horses out of food and supplies. Can take down before selling. Generators not included. Asking $70,000 OBO. Located by Ogema MN. Only used a few times a year.
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