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2019 AQHA Mare

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Selling as broodmare sound only!
KNM Denbigh Tango or Denbigh is a 2019 bay roan mare that we bought as a yearling. She was injured when she kicked a pipe fence a little over a year ago and ended up with a serious hock bursa infection. The infection was treated, but theres a lot of scar tissue built up and a small bone chip in her back right hock. Shes been to the trainer and is fine at a walk and trot, but she has a hard time holding a back lead at a lope. Video shows what Im explaining. Im only selling as broodmare sound because I honestly dont know how shed hold up to much riding. Located by Berthold, ND.
KNM Denbigh Tango or Denbigh is a 2019 bay roan mare that we bought as a yearling. She was injured when she kicked a pipe fence a little over a year ago and ended up with a serious hock bursa infection. The infection was treated, but theres a lot of scar tissue built up and a small bone chip in her back right hock. Shes been to the trainer and is fine at a walk and trot, but she has a hard time holding a back lead at a lope. Video shows what Im explaining. Im only selling as broodmare sound because I honestly dont know how shed hold up to much riding. Located by Berthold, ND.
Additional Details
Seller Type:
Private Seller
Placed On:
January 27th 2025
Listing Expires On:
February 27th 2025
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