Yamaha propeller: 6CE-45978-20-00, 15 1/2" x 17 RH, SDS, 3 blade SS, Saltwater II.

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Reason Selling: "I need a 19 pitch"
Yamaha propeller: 6CE-45978-20-00, 15 1/2" x 17 RH, SDS, 3 blade SS, Saltwater II. This propeller has some nicks from hitting some gravel that I have filed smooth. It still
works very well and can be refurbished for approx. $150 to $200. to make it like new. It
definitely makes a great spare prop for any 15 spline Yamaha motor like the F150, 175,
200, 225 or 250 hp motors. I would invite anyone with a 19 pitch Yamaha prop used or new that
is interested in trading a 19 pitch for my 17 pitch propeller of the same model other wise.see pictures below.
Additional Details
Seller's Website:
I need a 19 pitch model of the same
Seller Type:
Private Seller
Boat Accessory Type:
Boat Item :
Boat Accessories
15 1/2" x17 RH Saltwater II Yamaha propeller
Placed On:
March 10th 2025
Listing Expires On:
April 10th 2025
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