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Awesome family gelding for sale. Maverick is a grade quarter horse that is about
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Casselton, ND
Ad #4973662
23 People Watching
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Awesome family gelding for sale. Maverick is a grade quarter horse that is about 15 .1 hands. I was told last year when I bought him that he was 12 yrs old. My vet says more likely later teens. I trust my vet so I am guessing he is right. He is a fantastic horse. Probably the best horse I have owned. I can literally put anyone on him. He will do anything i ask. If another horse refuses I point Maverick that direction and off he goes through water, over bridges or anything you ask. There isn't a mean bone in his body. No buck, no spook or anything else ... just an excellent horse. I am selling him because they also didn't tell me that he has some arthritis in his fronts. He rode great all summer till I went camping in the badlands in september and it was very aggressive riding! After 3 hard rides, his fronts swelled up. After a couple days rest he was back to normal. That was the first time I realized that he had some arthritis. After that as long as I ride him on a regular ride ... walk, trot and a little loping he does fine but if I take him on aggressive rides he swells up for a couple of days. Unfortunately, my cousin and I ride hard and fast and that style of riding isn't the best for him. He really is a fantastic horse and if your style of riding is more walk , trot and a little lope he would work great for you.
Additional Details
Condition: Used
Seller Type: Private Seller
Broken: Yes
Horse Breed: American Quarter
Horse Types: Stallions/Geldings
Placed On: February 1st 2025
Listing Expires On: March 4th 2025
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