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1991 7' x 30' Sundowner Stock Trailer

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1991 7' x 30' Sundowner Stock Trailer
We built a steel rear door for it a couple years ago, because the old one kept breaking apart. Front axle is slightly bent on the left side. The front left tire doesn't usually ride on the ground when the trailer is empty, but all 6 tires ride on the ground when it's loaded. It was like that when I bought the trailer 15 years ago and hasn't gotten any worse. All the lights and brakes used it the last time we hooked up to it. It has been shedded when not in use the whole time we've owned it. No holes in the floor and everything works like it should. It's not the prettiest, but it works well to get a lot of cows to pasture.
We built a steel rear door for it a couple years ago, because the old one kept breaking apart. Front axle is slightly bent on the left side. The front left tire doesn't usually ride on the ground when the trailer is empty, but all 6 tires ride on the ground when it's loaded. It was like that when I bought the trailer 15 years ago and hasn't gotten any worse. All the lights and brakes used it the last time we hooked up to it. It has been shedded when not in use the whole time we've owned it. No holes in the floor and everything works like it should. It's not the prettiest, but it works well to get a lot of cows to pasture.
Additional Details
Seller Type:
Private Seller
Stock Trailer Type:
Cattle Trailer
Placed On:
March 17th 2025
Listing Expires On:
April 17th 2025
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