COLLECTOR BUYING ITEMS IN Any conditions( dirty,dusty nasty is ok!) Cash paid On the spot! IAM IN TOWN TILL SUNDAY
* ALL Video games and consoles Nintendo/sega/atari/ gameboy anything video game related newer Nes,snes,n64,gamecube,gameboy,sega dreamcast, jaguar, gamegear, atari, Turbografx, neo geo and MUCH more
* action figures such as he man, G.i joe, transformers, power rangers, wrestling and any other action figures 1970s-1990s
* sports memeorbilla and sports cards nfl,basketball,baseball 1950s and up
* 1990s-2000s trading cards Pokmon, yugioh, magic the gathering
* old silver coins , scrap broken jewlery(rings,braclets,necklaces ect) and costume jewlery
*model trains/locomotives
* case pocket knifes, hunting items and fishing items
* military memeorbilla-old flight suits
*musical instruments and gear such as guitars, banjos, saxaphones,trumpets,French horns, ACCORDIANS ect VINTAGE
* movie memorbila/ props, posters , sealed vhs
* Non running/ lost title Motorcycles-sportbikes-4 wheelers -dirtbikes