McGregor sailboat: 1980 M25, Length 25 Ft width 7 Ft 11 In Draft 1 Ft 6 In.
$5,100 obo
Ad #4786498
Reason Selling: "Health and age"
McGregor sailboat: 1980 M25, Length 25 ft width 7 ft 6 in draft 1 ft 6 in. Compleat overhaul in 2012. Comes with 1980 TrailRite trailer and 4hp Evinrude outboard motor. Sailed 2 years on Devils Lake, ND (2012 & 2013) and has been stored indoors since. This boat has a swing keel making it easy to launch. Comes with three sails (Main, Genova jib, Spinnaker), lifejackets, refrigerator is both 12 V and 120, freshwater on board storage is 20 gallons. This boat has sailed with six adults on board with lots of room for each. Comfortably sleeps 4 adults. Very easy to sail.
Seller Type:
Private Seller
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