Cheap Early pricing Corn seed and Soybean seed
multipleAd #4304811
B & M Seed Now selling corn seed and soybean seed from a well known company. We have research data from Carrington research to compare ours to the rest. Give us a call for pricing. We are much cheaper than the other dealers.
All RR and Liberty
92 day Silage Corn Seed
80 day Grain Corn, 85 day Grain Corn, 87 day Grain Corn
Soybeans .02 and .08
We still offer Sorghum/Sudan and Millet
We are ranchers that sell seed at low prices. We test and grow the seed we sell and feed it to our own cow herds.
Tube type bale wrapping available. Call
You can order a few bags or 2,500 pound totes. Give us a call. We would be glad to discuss the options we have available.
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Commercial / Business
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